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Panda Outbreak

10 October 2013

Chengdu is known as the "Giant Panda Capital of the world" - it is the capital of China's Sichuan Province, where almost 80% of the world's giant pandas live, and it is home to the Giant Panda Breeding & Research Centre.

The world's leading giant panda centre is experiencing an amazing baby boom! Pandas born in captivity rarely survive beyond their first few days; 60-70% die within the first week. But the breeding centre in Chengdu has had an exceptional two months - of the 20 cubs born since July, 17 have survived.

You have the chance to see the cubs in person in 2014 on Great Rail Journeys' Grand Tour of China. The 17-day tour spends two nights in Chengdu and includes a visit to the Giant Panda Breeding & Research Centre. With many more panda births anticipated in 2014, you may even see a brand new collection of baby pandas for yourself.