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How to Plan a Retirement Trip

1 May 2014

Most people see their retirement as the time to put into practice all their travel ambitions and dreams of holidays around the world. Whether you've come to the end of a long career or your children have finally flown the nest, you now have the time to transform your wish list into reality.

There are, however, a few practical considerations to bear in mind.

Choose your destination wisely

With the world at your feet, it can be a little overwhelming to choose the perfect destination for your trip. Draw up a shortlist and then research potential tours that could help you easily link a few of these 'favourites' into the same holiday. It may be that you can cover more ground than you think - just take the time to plan!

Insurance is essential

People of any age can suffer an accident or medical emergency when travelling abroad. Investing in medical insurance protects you against large costs and provides peace of mind during your trip.

If you're going to Europe, don't just rely on the standard European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) - it's always a good idea to take out additional cover. The same can be said for travelling in the USA: American healthcare can be expensive, so it's a good idea get single trip cover and visit your GP before your trip if you are feeling unwell. Ensure that you always declare any pre-existing medical conditions when applying for insurance. Whilst on your trip, it's also wise to inform your Tour Manager of any illnesses and ensure medications are accessible in your hand luggage in case of an emergency.

Research landmarks and activities

When you have your set destinations in mind, search online for the key things to do at the given stop-offs. If you choose an escorted tour, you have the luxury of a guide providing tips and information for you, but that doesn't mean you can't give the trip an individual flair. Whether you choose to buy a guide book or look at useful websites, a few tips for local restaurants and activities can help you add a spark of adventure and a taste of 'local living' to your holiday memories.

Plan your wardrobe

Our escorted trips ensure the upmost comfort and ease during your journey whilst you're on the tracks, but you must also prepare appropriate clothing to suit the respective seasons and activities you will be participating in whilst on your trip.

The USA based coast-to-coast tour, for example, will give you the opportunity to explore Monument Valley, so high heels are not advised for this trip! Comfortable shoes and clothing for the more energetic activities will ensure you can focus on soaking up the surroundings rather than being distracted by the discomfort of inappropriate footwear.

On the other side of the spectrum, if you decide to enjoy the pleasures of Mongolia this summer, make sure that you pack plenty of light, loose clothing, as temperatures can reach exceptionally high levels.

Wherever you choose to travel, your prior research should highlight weather predictions and allow you to prepare your wardrobe perfectly.

Communication is always a good idea

Having a mobile phone with you can come in very handy on your trip. Although some countries, such as Bhutan and Nepal may not offer a good signal, most destinations have reliable access. This can be useful if you want to keep in contact with family and friends back home or continue your online research on the move whilst exploring.

Contact your service provider before your trip to find out the most efficient way to use your phone when abroad and to ensure you're not left battling poor signal or expensive roaming charges.

Once you've covered all of these basics, you'll be ready to go and savour the delights of your trip - enjoy!
