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Top destinations for solo travel

25 October 2018

Eschewing the stresses of everyday life, eliminating the need to appease those around you and simply stepping out into the world alone, to do exactly as you wish; solo travel is one of the most rewarding ways to discover the world. And while travelling the world with those closest to you, united in shared experiences and cheerful camaraderie, is undoubtedly a wonderful experience, we believe that there really is something to be said for travelling alone. Travelling solo is the ultimate in self-care, allowing you to focus on you and you alone. It is an opportunity to self-reflect, allow yourself to be a little self-indulgent, and relish a period of respite and calm introspection.

Solo travel allows you to experience a sense of freedom and liberation quite like no other. It is a time to focus on your own needs and get exactly what you want from a destination, allowing you to bid farewell to arduous planning, to debating and compromising with friends and family over how your days will play out - with nobody else to answer to, you have the freedom to do as much, or as little, as you choose. The introspective nature of a solo holiday grants you priceless time in which you can simply absorb the beauty of the world around you and focus on yourself. Spend a relaxed day soaking up your surroundings, enjoying a leisurely stroll through the local streets stopping intermittently for a coffee at whichever tiny pavement café takes your fancy. Head to a local museum or art gallery and spend a cultured day taking in the arts or educating yourself about something new. Discover the surrounding landscapes with a hike. Spend a day shopping. Meet new people to share your travel experiences with, or simply keep to yourself and enjoy the pleasure of your own company. With solo travel, the possibilities are infinite.

Here are four of our favourite worldwide destinations for solo travel…

The Italian Riviera

The Italian Riviera boasts all the qualities that make for a soothing, restorative escape; balmy Mediterranean weather, idyllic, pastel-hued towns and villages, and endless stretches of beautiful, rugged coastlines. Visit Sestri Levante, where you can enjoy a gentle stroll through the winding medieval streets, lined with an array of enchanting, whimsically hued buildings. Or, head to Portofino, a tiny fishing village surrounded by verdant olive groves and pine trees. Famed as one of the most beautiful Mediterranean ports, this is the ideal place to seek out a quiet, traditional café, sit outside with a cup of coffee or a cold glass of wine, and bask in the glorious beauty of the Mediterranean coast. 

The Swiss Alps

The commanding mountain landscapes, cascading waterfalls and lush Alpine meadows of Switzerland provide an ideal break for those who'd like some time to reflect, surrounded by the tranquilly of nature. Spend your days gazing in awe at the unspoiled, dramatic vistas, breathing in the gloriously fresh mountain air and appreciating the wonderfully meditative nature of solo travel. Discover the pretty Alpine village of Wengen, one of Europe's most delightful mountain resorts, famed for its belle époque hotels and quintessential Swiss charm. Found nestled in the heart of the stunning Bernese Oberland, Wengen boasts picture-perfect scenery married with a host of enticing bars, shops and restaurants, all housed in traditional timber chalets.

The Great British Isles

Sometimes, a solo trip is best taken somewhere familiar. A "staycation" in the Great British Isles is ideal for first-time solo travellers who'd like to dip their toe into the waters of solo exploration without worrying about any language or culture barriers. If the thought of travelling solo seems a little too overwhelming, or if you'd simply prefer to explore the landscapes just beyond your doorstep, a holiday closer to home is absolutely ideal. For a picturesque, invigorating escape, head to the coast where you can discover the charming harbours and fabled Land's End in Cornwall, or experience the stunning English Riviera in Devon. Alternatively, uncover the charms of Wales, bursting with historic castles, undulating hills and fantastic steam railways.

New York City

Lose yourself in the lights, sounds and excitement of New York City, the perfect destination for those seeking a little anonymity. Cloaked by the endless hustle and bustle of the vivacious city, you are free to experience true independence and do exactly as you choose. With a myriad of fantastic cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and famous sights to see, you can easily spend a long weekend soaking up the vibrancy of the city as you please. See a Broadway show, hit the shops on 5th Avenue, head to an upmarket restaurant with nothing but your favourite paperback for company, or simply lose yourself strolling through the lit-up streets, taking in the unforgettable sights of this inspiring cultural destination.