b'Booking ConditionsThe following booking conditions together with our Privacy Policy and any other written information wethe latest position in good time before your departure. Information on this subject is available on or brought to your attention before we confirmed your booking, form the basis of your contract with Greatthrough the UK Government Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office website www.gov.uk/foreign-Rail Journeys Limited trading as Great Rail Journeys, and Rail Discoveries HQ Building, Hudson Quarter,travel-advice or speak with your authorized travel agent if you are unsure about the visa requirements for Toft Green, York YO1 6JT (we, us or ourselves) Reg No 3208093. Please read them carefully as they setyour travel destination.out our respective rights and obligations. By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you have read these booking conditions and agree to them. References to you and your means allPlease note: The impacts of Brexit may change your visa, ticket and health requirements. Third country persons named on the booking (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date), or any ofnationals may require an airport transit visa when passing through EU Member States. You should them as applicable. check any impacts of Brexit on your travel, in advance of your departure, to ensure that you fulfil the requirements post-Brexit, including any passport validity requirements. The UK Government passport References to holiday, booking, tour or arrangements means the holiday arrangements which wechecker can be found here https://www.gov.uk/check-a-passport-travel-europe. It is your responsibility agree to make, provide or perform (as applicable) as part of our contract with you, unless otherwise stated. to ensure you are aware of all recommended vaccinations and health precautions in good time before departure. Information is available from your GP surgery and from the National Travel Health Network and Unless these booking conditions state otherwise, any reference to European Union law and/orCentre www.nathnac.org. and also on www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Travelhealth. For European holidays, existing International Conventions in these booking conditions that is directly applicable or directly effective inEuropean Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) will remain valid until their expiry, after which time you should the United Kingdom is a reference to how it applies in England and Wales. This includes where the lawobtain a UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), prior to departure for access to health care in many has been retained, amended, extended, re-enacted or given effect on or after 11pm on 31st January 2020European countries. Access to health care provisions may change and you are advised to check https://(including the transition period). www.gov.uk/visit-europe-1-january-2021 and https://www.gov.uk/guidance/uk-residents-visiting-the-eueea-and-switzerland-healthcare for updates affecting your travel. Neither the EHIC nor GHIC are valid By making a booking, the first named person on the booking (party leader) agrees on behalf of all personssubstitutes for travel insurance. Some nations require proof of vaccinations for all travellers. Vaccination detailed on the booking that: and other health requirements/recommendations are subject to change at any time for any destination and we would advise that you check with a doctor or clinic not less than six weeks prior to departure to a. He/she has read these booking conditions and has the authority to and does agree to be bound by them; ensure that you have met the necessary requirements and have the applicable information.b. He/she consents to our use of information in accordance with our Privacy Policy;c. He/she is over 18 years of age and where placing an order for services with age restrictions declares that4. Travel Insurancehe/she and all members of the party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services; It is a condition of booking that you take out sufficient and appropriate travel insurance cover. We d. He/she accepts financial responsibility for payment of the booking on behalf of all persons named on therecommend you do this at time of booking so that your deposit (less any applicable excess) is recoverable booking; and in the event of a cancellation covered by the policy. To purchase the insurance policy we offer please e. He/she accepts responsibility for passing all documentation and information in regards to the bookingcontact us for details. If you take out your own cover please provide us with details of the insurance on to all persons named on the booking. company, the policy number and the 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to departure or when requested. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover you purchase is suitable and 1. Making Your Booking adequate for your particular needs. We do not check alternative insurance policies. The duration of the You may book with us by telephone, online or via one of our authorised travel agents. Once we (or yourholiday as shown on the booking confirmation or as advertised in the brochure or on our website includes authorised travel agent) have received all appropriate payments, we will, subject to availability, confirmthe day of departure and day of return and is the period to be used for insurance purposes. Read our your holiday over the telephone (where you or your travel agent make the booking by telephone) or bypolicy details carefully and take them with you on holiday.e-mailing or otherwise sending a booking confirmation letter/invoice to the party leader. We reserve the right to return your deposit and decline to issue a confirmation at our absolute discretion. WhereShould you choose to extend your holiday (either at the start or the end of your holiday), you will need to you book through one of our authorised travel agents, the booking confirmation letter/invoice and allextend the duration of your insurance cover. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, we other communications will be sent to your agent and you should also contact us through the agent.will not be liable for any losses howsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise Alternatively, you can book online via our website in which case your holiday booking will be acknowledgedhave been available.by e-mail and a booking confirmation letter/invoice will follow. The acknowledgement of your booking is not a confirmation of it and does not create a legally binding contract. A binding contract between5. Holiday Pricesyou and us only comes into existence once we have issued you with a booking confirmation that willPlease note changes and errors occasionally occur. We reserve the right to increase/decrease and correct confirm the details of your booking and will be sent to you or your travel agent. All references in theseerrors in advertised prices at any time before your holiday is confirmed. Before you make a booking, we booking conditions to the confirmation of your booking means the booking confirmation letter/invoice. Awill give you the basic price for your chosen holiday. You should check all details before you make your provisional booking can be made by phone but you must send the applicable payment within 7 days, or thebooking. Upgrades, holiday extensions or any other variation which you have requested are on a request provisional booking will automatically lapse. basis with our suppliers and subject to availability, and prices for these will only be confirmed once the If your confirmed arrangements include a flight, we (or if you booked via an authorised agent of ours,prices and availability has been confirmed by our suppliers. For all holidays, once you have accepted the that agent) will also issue you with an ATOL Certificate. Upon receipt, of the booking confirmation, ATOLbasic price and a booking has been confirmed, that price is fully guaranteed and will not be subject to any Certificate or any other document, please check all of the details carefully. In particular, please check thatsurcharges.the initials or forenames and surnames given match those on your passports as we make reservations using this information. If you believe that any details are incorrect, you must advise us immediately as6. Suitability of the Tour and Behaviourchanges cannot be made later and it may harm your rights if we are not notified of any inaccuracies inWe reserve the right in our absolute discretion to terminate without prior notice the holiday arrangements any document within ten days of our sending it out (five days for tickets). We will do our best to rectify anyof any customer whose behaviour is such that it causes or is likely to cause, in our reasonable opinion, or mistake notified to us outside these time limits but you must meet any costs involved in doing so. The onlyin the opinion of any Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) or any other person in authority, distress, exception to this requirement to meet costs is where the mistake in question was made by us and there isdamage, danger or significant annoyance to any third party, or damage to property. In these circumstances good reason why you did not tell us about it within these time limits. all our obligations to you under our contract or otherwise will cease, full cancellation charges will apply and we will not be liable for any refund, compensation or costs incurred by you whatsoever. You and/or 2. Payment your party may also be required to pay for loss and/or damage caused by your actions and we will hold You are required to send us the appropriate deposit per person (as detailed on the relevant tour page) oryou and each member of your party jointly and individually liable for any damage or losses caused by you full payment if booking within 60 days of departure and all applicable insurance premiums (if our insuranceor any member of your party. Full payment for any such damage or losses must be paid directly to the is required) at the time of booking. In addition to the deposit applicable to the holiday, a further additionalhotel manager or other supplier prior to departure. If you fail to make payment, you will be responsible for deposit is required of a minimum of 20% of the additional cost for any booking variations including flightmeeting any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against us as a result of your actions together and hotel upgrades and holiday extensions. Please note, deposits and all additional deposits are notwith all costs we incur in pursuing any claim against you. Our tours can be physically demanding and we refundable except where expressly stated in these booking conditions. The balance of the cost of youralso reserve the right to terminate your holiday where, in the reasonable opinion of any person in authority holiday must be paid no less than 60 days before departure. If a cheque payment is declined by your(including office staff or your Tour Manager when you join your escorted holiday), your physical condition bank for any reason, an administration charge of 30 will be made. If you return your payment counterfoilmeans you are unable or likely to be unable to cope with the tour or to experience significant difficulties before the date that payment is due, this authorises us to take payment early. If we do not receive allin doing so. It is your responsibility to disclose an accurate account of your mobility and all other relevant payments in full and on time, we are entitled to assume that you wish to cancel your booking. In this case,information relating to your health and fitness at the time of booking. You must advise us of any change we will be entitled to keep all deposits paid or due at that date. If we do not cancel straight away becauseto your level of mobility or health and fitness between booking your holiday and departing on your tour. you have promised to make payment, you must pay the cancellation charges shown in clause 8 dependingPlease also see clause 17 and clause 18.on the date we reasonably treat your booking as cancelled. Except for flight inclusive bookings, all monies you pay to one of our authorised travel agents for your holiday with us will be held by the agent on your7. Alterations to Your Booking and Booking Transfersbehalf until a contract between us comes into existence. After that point, your agent will hold the moniesPlease notify us in writing if circumstances arise whereby you wish to transfer to another available holiday, on our behalf until they are paid to us. For flight inclusive bookings, all monies paid to any authorised traveldepart on a different date or make other alterations to your confirmed holiday. Note that any transfer agent of ours for your holiday with us will be held on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Airrequests to an alternative holiday (as distinct from transfers of bookings to other individuals, which are Travel Trust subject to the travel agents obligation to pay such monies to us in accordance with our tradingdealt with below) of less than 85% of the value of your original booking will be regarded as a cancellation terms unless we fail. In the unlikely event of our financial failure, all monies then held by the travel agentand cancellation charges as set out in clause 8 will be payable. Any alterations requested 60 days or more or subsequently paid by you to the travel agent will be held by the agent on behalf of and for the benefit ofprior to departure will be subject to an alteration fee of 40 per person, together with costs or charges the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust without any obligation on the agent to pay such monies to us. incurred or imposed by any of our suppliers. Any alteration to your booking requested less than 60 days prior to departure will be regarded as a cancellation and cancellation charges as set out in clause 8 will be 3. Passports, Visas and Other Entry Requirements payable. Please note costs could increase the closer to the departure date that changes are made and you Please note that you are entirely responsible for ensuring that everyone in your party has the necessaryshould therefore contact us as soon as possible. Certain arrangements, such as low-cost flight bookings, correct and up-to-date personal documentation before you start the tour and that you all fulfil themay not be amended after they have been confirmed and any alteration could incur a cancellation charge passport, visa, health and any other entry requirements applicable to your chosen tour. We do not acceptof up to 100% of that part of the arrangements.any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry correct documentation or to meet those entry requirements. If failure to have any necessary travelTransfer of Booking to Another Individual (i.e. name changes)or other documents, or to meet entry requirements, results in fines, surcharges or other financial penalty,If any member of your party is prevented from travelling, that person(s) may transfer their place to costs or expenses being imposed on us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly. In addition,someone else, subject to the following conditions:should you be unable to travel on the holiday as a result, cancellation charges as shown in clause 8 of these booking conditions will apply. a. that person is introduced by you and satisfies all the conditions applicable to the arrangements;b. we are notified not less than 7 days before departure;For British Citizens, a standard 10-year British passport which must also be valid for at least 6 monthsc. you pay any outstanding balance payment at the time due, an amendment fee of 40 per person beyond your intended return travel date is required for all holidays outside of the UK. In many cases,transferring, as well as any additional fees, charges or other costs arising from the transfer (including those you will also need to have multiple consecutive blank visa pages within your passport (the number variesimposed by our suppliers); anddepending on the destination(s) visited). If your passport expires before this, it may still be acceptable,d. the transferee agrees to these booking conditions and all other terms of the contract between us.but you should contact your local Passport Office or the consulate or embassy of the country/countries you plan to visit/transit through, for detailed advice. Customers applying for a first passport or renewingYou and the transferee remain jointly and severally liable for payment of all sums. If you are unable to find their passport should allow at least six weeks to obtain one as you may be required to attend a personala replacement, cancellation charges as set out in clause 8 will apply in order to cover our estimated costs.interview with the Passport Office, however, in all cases, please apply as far ahead as possible so as to allowOtherwise, no refunds will be given for passengers not travelling or for unused services.time for unexpected delays.If you have a British passport issued outside of the UK or if you are not a British Citizen, it is yourImportant Note: Certain arrangements may not be amended or transferred after they have been confirmed responsibility to check entry requirements with the relevant embassy or consulate of the country/countriesand any alteration could incur a cancellation charge of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements.that you plan to visit or transit through. For information concerning passports, visa and other entry requirements for any destination, we recommend contacting the UK Government Foreign, Commonwealth8. Cancellation by You Before Departure& Development Office website www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice or speak with your authorised travel agentShould you wish to cancel your holiday, notice can be given verbally but must be followed up in writing by if you are unsure about the visa requirements for your travel destination. the party leader. Your notice of cancellation will only take effect when it is received in writing by us.It is your responsibility to ensure your party obtains all necessary visas before departure including anySince we incur costs in cancelling your arrangements, you will be required to pay the applicable cancellation additional visas or other documents required when travelling on any of our rail or cruise tours that visitcharges up to the maximum shown below. The amount of the cancellation fee depends upon the date other countries/ports independently. Also, some nations now have very strict documentation requirementswhen the written notice of cancellation is received by us. Where the cancellation charge is shown as a for those travelling with children and notarized birth certificates and/or other documents may be requiredpercentage, this is calculated on the basis of the total cost payable by the person(s) cancelling, excluding for children under 18. Visa requirements may change at short notice and we recommend that you checkinsurance premiums arranged through us and amendment charges which are not normally refundable.52'