b'extent of our liability will in all cases be limited as if we were the Contracting Carriers under the AthensCustomers are required to provide all relevant information to ensure that this matter has been carefully Convention and/or EU Regulation 392/2009. considered and we are aware of any issues. We may require you to produce a doctors certificate certifying that you are fit to participate in the tour. Acting reasonably, if we are unable to properly accommodate the The Athens Convention and EU Regulation 392/2009 limit the carriers liability for death or personal injuryneeds of the person(s) concerned, we will not confirm your booking or if you did not give us full details at or loss or damage to luggage and makes special provision for valuables. It is presumed that luggage hasthe time of booking, we will cancel it and impose applicable cancellation charges when we become aware been delivered to you undamaged unless written notice is given to us and/or the carrier; of these details. You must also advise us as soon as possible of any change in any disability or medical a. in the case of apparent damage, before or at the time of disembarkation or redelivery; or condition or your health, fitness or mobility or if any medical condition or disability which may affect your b. in the case of damage which is not apparent or of loss, within 15 days from the date of disembarkationtour develops after your booking has been confirmed. Please also see clause 6.or redelivery or from the time when such redelivery should have taken place. Damages for cabin luggage18. Excursions, Activities and Brochure/Website Informationpayable by the carrier are limited up to the Athens Convention limit of 833 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)The information contained in our brochure and on our website is correct to the best of our knowledge at the or 2250 SDRs if EU Regulation 392/2009 applies. Any liability in respect of death and personal injury andtime of the brochure going to print or at the time of publication on our website. Whilst every effort is made loss of and damage to luggage which we may incur to you shall always be subject to the limits of liabilityto ensure the accuracy of the brochure and prices at the time of printing or publication, regrettably errors do contained in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 for death/personal injury of 46,666 Specialoccasionally occur. You must therefore ensure you check all details of your chosen holiday (including the price) Drawing Rights (SDR) or 300,000 SDR under Athens Convention or 400,000 SDRs under EU Regulationwith us at the time of booking.392/2009 except in the case of liability for war or terrorism 250,000 SDRs. We are not liable for valuables,We may provide you with information (in our brochure, on our website and/or when you are on holiday) monies or other securities including jewelry and watches. If they have been deposited with the receptionabout activities and excursions which are available in the area you are visiting but cannot be pre-booked desk on the ship for safe keeping and a receipt issued, then in those limited circumstances the Carrierswith us or otherwise purchased via ourselves. We have no involvement in any such activities or excursions liability will be as set out in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. The use of safes onboard awhich are not run, supervised, controlled, inspected or endorsed in any way by us. They are provided by Vessel is not a deposit with the ship or with the company under the Athens Convention or EU Regulationlocal operators or other third parties who are entirely independent of us. They do not form any part of 392/2009 or otherwise. your contract with us even where we or your Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) suggest particular The limits are 1200 SDRs pursuant to Athens or 3,375 SDRs pursuant to EU Regulation 392/2009. Limitsoperators/other third parties and/or assist you in booking such activities or excursions in any way. We shall be reduced in proportion to any contributory negligence by the Passenger and by the maximumcannot accept any liability on any basis in relation to such activities or excursions and the acceptance of deductible specified in Article 8 (4) of the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. Where carriageliability contained in clause 12(1) of our booking conditions will not apply to them. We do not however is performed on inland waterways, and the vessel does not go to sea the liability provisions relating to seaexclude liability for the negligence of ourselves or our employees resulting in your death or personal injury.going vessels do not apply to the cruise. In those cases the liability of the Carrier to customers shall be determined in accordance with English law (the Merchant Shipping Act) and The Convention on LimitationWe cannot guarantee accuracy at all times of information given in relation to such activities or excursions of Liability for Maritime Claims 1996 (LLMC 96) as amended by SI 1998/1258, a copy of which will beor about the area(s) you are visiting generally (except where this concerns the services which will form part provided by on request or can be found at:https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1998/1258/contents/made. of your contract) or that any particular excursion or activity which does not form part of our contract will The limits for non-sea going passenger vessels is 175,000 SDRs per passenger limit. Liability for propertytake place as these services are not under our control. If you feel that any of the activities or excursions claims will be at least 1,000,000 SDRs under SI 1998/1258 (4)(b)(i)). The Strasbourg Convention on thementioned in our brochure or on our website which are not part of our contract are vital to the enjoyment Limitation of Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels, referred to as the Strasbourg Conventionof your holiday, write to us immediately and we will tell you the latest known situation.with protocols and amendments, applies to vessels sailing on waterways located in the territory of a state party subject to (i) the Revised Convention relating to the Navigation of the Rhine of 17 October 1868If we become aware of any material alterations to destination/area information and/or such outside and (ii) the Convention of 27 October 1956 concerning the canalization of the Moselle (Article 15(1) of theactivities or excursions which can be reasonably expected to affect your decision to book a holiday with us, Strasbourg Convention: https://www.ivr- eu.com/expertises/legal/?lang=en). If the Strasbourg Conventionwe will pass on this information at the time of booking.applies the limits for customer claims are 60,000 SDRs per customer subject to a minimum of 6,000,000 SDRs (see Article 7). The Carriers liability for death, injury, illness, damage, delay or other loss to person19. Flightsor property of any kind suffered by customers shall, in the first instance, be governed by the ConventionPlease note the existence of a UK Air Safety List (available for inspection at https://www.caa.co.uk/on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1996 as amended by SI 1998/1258 or where applicable theCommercial-industry/Airlines/Licensing/Requirements-and-guidance/Third-Country-Operator-Certificates/) Strasbourg Convention. The Carriers liability therefore shall not exceed those limitations provided by thedetailing air carriers that are subject to an operating ban within the UK. said LLMC 1996 and SI 1998/1258 or where applicable Strasbourg Convention or in any further revisions,We will advise you of the carrier(s) or, if the carrier(s) is not known, the likely carrier(s) that will operate your protocols and/or amendments thereto as shall become applicable. Where the LLMC 1996 or If applicableflight(s) at the time of booking. Where we are only able to inform you of the likely carrier(s) at the time of Strasbourg Convention permits the Carrier to apply a deductible, the Carrier may apply that deductible.booking, we will inform you of the identity of the actual carrier(s) as soon as we become aware of this. Any SDRs are a monetary unit of the International Monetary Fund and current exchange rate can be found inchange to the operating carrier(s) and/or flight routings (including indirect routings) after your booking major financial newspapers. has been confirmed will be notified to you as soon as possible. We are not always in a position at the time of booking to confirm flight routings and/or flight timings. Where flight routings and/or flight timings are (5) Please note, we cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss, expense or other sum(s) of any naturegiven at the time of booking or detailed on your confirmation letter/invoice these are for guidance only and or description (a) which on the basis of the information given to us by you concerning your booking priorare subject to alteration and confirmation. The latest timings will be shown on your itinerary which will be to our accepting it, we could not have foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract withdispatched to you approximately 10 days prior to departure. You must accordingly check your tickets very you or (b) which did not result from any breach of contract or other fault by ourselves or our employeescarefully immediately on receipt to ensure you have the correct flight times. It is possible that flight times or, where we are responsible for them, our suppliers c) which relate to any business including, withoutmay be changed even after tickets have been dispatched.limitation, self-employed loss of earnings, d) indirect or consequential loss of any kind. We will contact you as soon as possible if this occurs. Any change in the identity of the carrier(s), flight timings, routings (including a change from direct to indirect routings) and/or aircraft type (if given) will not (6) Where it is impossible for you to return to your departure point as per the agreed return date of yourentitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying our normal charges except where package, due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, we shall provide you with any necessaryspecified in these conditions. Regardless of any information given in good faith, operational changes may accommodation (where possible, of a comparable standard) for a period not exceeding three nightsbe made by an airline at any point and we cannot be responsible for these. If the carrier(s) with whom per person. Please note that the 3 night cap does not apply to persons with reduced mobility, pregnantyou have a confirmed reservation becomes subject to an operating ban as above as a result of which women or unaccompanied minors, nor to persons needing specific medical assistance, provided we havewe/the carrier(s) are unable to offer you a suitable alternative the provisions of clause 9 (Changes and been notified of these particular needs in advance. For the purposes of this clause, unavoidable andCancellations by Us) will apply. Prices quoted in this brochure and/or on our website are based on special extraordinary circumstances mean warfare, acts of terrorism, significant risks to human health such asairfares offered to us by the airlines for group travel. These represent a reduction on the normal IATA the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes orfares which entitle passengers to privileges and flexibility that our clients do not normally require as part weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely back to your departure point. of the holiday. Should you wish to book your holiday using a flight other than that shown in the brochure/on our website, a flight variation charge from 50 per person will apply in addition to the difference in cost 13. Complaints and Problems between our special fare and the normal IATA fare for the flight(s) required. Tickets at our special fare are In the unlikely event that you have any reason to complain or experience any problems with your holidayvalid only on the airline and dates shown and do not automatically entitle passengers to switch to another whilst away, you must immediately inform your Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) and/or us bycarrier in case of a flight cancellation, delay or technical problems with the aircraft or the reservation. telephone on our 24-hour emergency helpline (if not on an escorted holiday) and the supplier of thePlease note that most airlines now operate 100% non- smoking services.service(s) in question. Any verbal notification must be put in writing and given to your Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) or us (if not on an escorted holiday) and the supplier as soon as possible. Until2o. Denied Boarding Regulationswe know about a problem or complaint, we cannot begin to resolve it. Most problems can be dealt withIf you or any member of your party misses your flight or other transport arrangement, it is cancelled or you quickly. If you remain dissatisfied, however, you must write to us within 28 days of your return to the UKare subject to a delay of over 3 hours for any reason, you must contact us and the airline or other transport giving your booking reference and full details of your complaint. Only the party leader should write to us. Ifsupplier concerned immediately. If your flight is cancelled or delayed, your flight ticket is downgraded you fail to follow thissimple complaints procedure, your right to claim the compensation you may otherwiseor boarding is denied by your airline, depending on the circumstances, the airline may be required to have been entitled to may be affected or even lost as a result. Please note that we do offer an Alternativepay you compensation, refund the cost of your flight and/or provide you with accommodation and/ or Dispute Resolution service, through our ABTA membership. Please see clause 14 for further details. refreshments under the Denied Boarding Regulations 2004. Where applicable, you must pursue the airline for the compensation or other payment due to you. All sums you receive or are entitled to receive 14. Arbitration from the airline concerned by virtue of these Regulations represent the full amount of your entitlement We are a Member of ABTA, membership number V2170. We are obliged to maintain a high standardto compensation or any other payment arising from such cancellation, delay, downgrading or denied of service to you by ABTAs Code of Conduct. We can also offer you ABTAs scheme for the resolutionboarding. This includes any disappointment, distress, inconvenience or effect on any other arrangements. of disputes which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. If we cant resolve yourThe fact a delay may entitle you to cancel your flight does not automatically entitle you to cancel any other complaint, go to www.abta.com to use ABTAs simple procedure. Further information on the Code andarrangements even where those arrangements have been made in conjunction with your flight. We have ABTAs assistance in resolving disputes can be found on www.abta.com or you can contact ABTA, 30 Parkno liability to make any payment to you in relation to the Denied Boarding Regulations as your entitlement Street, London SE1 9EQ. You can also use the AITO arbitration serviceplease see to any compensation or other payment (as dealt with above) is covered by the airlines obligations under www.aito.com for further information.the Denied Boarding Regulations. If, for any reason, we make any payment to you or a third party which the airline is responsible for in accordance with the Denied Boarding Regulations, you must, when 15. Conditions of Suppliers requested, assign to us the rights you have or had to claim the payment in question from the airline. If the Many of the services which make up your holiday are provided by independent suppliers. Those suppliersairline does not comply with these rules you should complain to the Civil Aviation Authority at www.caa.provide these services in accordance with their own terms and conditions. Some of these terms andco.uk/passengers. Please note, your rights under clause 9 (Changes and Cancellations by Us) and clause conditions may limit or exclude the suppliers liability to you, usually in accordance with applicable12 (Our Liability to You) of these booking conditions are not affected by the above Denied Boarding international conventions or EU regulations (see clause 12(4)(c)). Copies of the relevant parts of these termsRegulations except that we are entitled to argue that the amount you receive or are entitled to receive from and conditions are available on request from us or the supplier concerned. the airline is sufficient to meet any compensation obligation we may have to you as your tour operator as a result of any such cancellation, delay, downgrading or denied boarding.16. Special RequestsIf you have any special requests, you must advise us in writing at the time of booking. Although we will21. Rail Journeys and Reservationsendeavour to pass any reasonable requests on to the relevant supplier, we regret we cannot guaranteeWe request rail reservations many months in advance but occasionally there are insufficient First Class any request will be met unless we have specifically confirmed this. For your own protection, you shouldseats available. In these situations we will book Standard Class seats and refund the difference to you. obtain confirmation in writing from us that your request will be complied with (where it is possible for us toAlthough we do our best to follow the routes noted on the itinerary there might be occasions when a give this) if your request is important to you. Confirmation that a special request has been noted or passeddifferent routing and/or departure time is necessary due to timetable variations or seat availability.on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your confirmation letter/invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, allRegardless of any information given by us in good faith, operational changes may be made by a rail special requests are subject to availability. We regret we cannot accept any conditional bookings, i.e. anysupplier/operator at any point and without notice, and we cannot be responsible for these. Increasingly, booking which is specified to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request and all such bookingstrains are 100% non-smoking, and reservations are requested in non-smoking accommodation, although at will be treated as standard bookings subject to the above provisions on special requests. busy times we may be allocated some smoking seats.17. Medical Conditions/Disabilities/Reduced Mobility We cannot make specific requests for smoking seats. Prices quoted in this brochure and on our website are Regrettably, many of our tours are not suitable for customers with certain disabilities and they can alsobased on special fares negotiated with our rail partners for group travel. Should you wish to travel on any be physically demanding. If you have any medical condition or disability which may affect your tour orEurostar or other rail service, other than those included as part of your holiday, a rail variation charge of any health, fitness or mobility concerns which may affect your ability to cope with the tour, please give25 per person per service plus any additional cost will apply. Any change involving sleeper services will be us full details before you confirm your booking so that we can advise as to the suitability of the chosenquoted on an individual basis.arrangements. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate special needs or cause our suppliers to accommodate them, but, if we are to help you choose the right tour for your health, mobility and fitness,Tickets for Eurostar train services are issued subject to the conditions set out in Eurostar International we must be aware of all details. Please note that Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) cannot provideLimiteds conditions of carriage and/or the conditions of carriage of the carrier in question, copies of which individual assistance with boarding trains or coaches, or handle your luggage. It is your responsibility toare available from travel agents appointed by Eurostar International Limited or supplied on request.provide us with full and accurate details of your mobility, health and fitness (including any disability), so we can advise you on the suitability of tours. As standard practice all customers are asked at the point of22. Your Financial Protectionbooking whether they have any mobility limitations or health concerns which may impact on their tour.The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 (as amended) require us to provide 54'