b'Neil Sabey - Spotlight on. Great Rail Journeys Director of CruiseMeet the person who makes your river cruise experience exceptional, our Cruise DirectorNeil. From itinerary planning to the onboard experience, discover the expertise driving the excellence of our river cruises.Can you tell us about your background and how you became involved in the cruise industry?My first introduction to river cruising was in 1992 working as a Cruise Manager on the Rhine and Moselle. Instantly, I was mesmerised by the whole experience. Even now, I am still captivated when passing the Lorelei Rock with the combination of the dramatic scenery of the narrow gorge We are delighted to have our and the fast-flowing current of the river. And then theres the Danube, flowing through the heart of Budapest - which is particularly striking by nightfall with the illuminated grandown exclusively chartered ships Imperial buildings lining the riverside. sailing back-to-back throughout What factors do you consider when planning the itineraries for each cruise? the season on our Rhine and Our first consideration is crafting sailing itineraries thatDanube programmes. ensure our customers see the very best of the respective rivers, and at the best times of day. This is really important to guarantee that we dont miss the must-see sights! We also aim to find the right balance between planned excursions and free time for personal exploration. We recognise that not every customer wants to spend their time in the exact same manner, so flexibility is key toWhat are the changes to our 2025 cruise offerings that accommodating diverse preferences and ensuring apassengers can look forward to? fulfilling experience for all. We are delighted to have our own exclusively chartered ships sailing back-to-back throughout the season on our What sets our river cruises apart from others?Rhine and Danube programmes. This means we can It is the attention to the finest details. From the bespokebring our distinctive, Great Rail Journeys soft touches planning of the individual itineraries to delivering a superbto compliment the onboard experience - from subtle five-star experience aboard the Amadeus, and providingfurnishings to the provision of Yorkshire Tea! It also allows friendly and professional service through our onboardus to refine our cruising itineraries to perfection, ensuring Cruise Manager team. We have over 50 years of experienceoptimal sailing times and onshore excursions at the most in delivering the service, hospitality, and experiences thatopportune moments of the day.our customers have come to love and expect from us. Our entire team is committed to ensuring that our cruises standFinally, what advice would you give to someone out as the best in the market. considering booking a river cruise for the first time?Just to absolutely take that first step and savour the How do you gather feedback from passengers, and howexperience. It really is a great and relaxing way to see does this influence future cruise planning? many different sights in a short space of time, all from We always listen to our customers and thoroughly review allthe convenience of a floating 5-Star hotel. We look after aspects of our cruise programmes. This involves gatheringeverything, from door-to-cabin luggage service to attentive feedback post-tour and personally engaging with customershospitality where you are waited on hand to foot. And, our during many of our cruises throughout the season, butknowledgeable local guides ensure that you make the best without imposing on their holiday. of your time, enhancing your overall experience.13'