b'arrangements less than 60 days before departure (90 days for European River Cruise andfor you as an organiser under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements private train holidays) except for reasons of Events Beyond Our Control or failure by youRegulations 2018 (as amended) as set out below, and as such we are responsible to pay the final balance. for the proper provision of all travel services included in your package, as set out in your confirmation invoice. Subject to these booking conditions, if we or our suppliers If we have to make a significant change or cancel, we will tell you as soon as possible andnegligently perform or arrange those services and we dont remedy or resolve your if there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of the followingcomplaint within a reasonable period of time, and this has affected the enjoyment options: of your package holiday you may be entitled to an appropriate price reduction and/or reasonable compensation. You must inform us without undue delay of any failure a. (for significant changes) accepting the changed arrangements; or to perform or improper performance of the travel services included in this package. b. If available and where we offer one, accepting an offer of an alternative holiday (weThe level of any such price reduction or compensation will be calculated taking into will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value but if the alternativeconsideration all relevant factors such as but not limited to, following the complaints holiday is more expensive, you will be required to pay the applicable price difference); orprocedure as described in these conditions and the extent to which ours or our c. cancelling or accepting the cancellation in which case you will receive a full refund of allemployees or suppliers negligence affected the overall enjoyment of your holiday. monies you have paid to us (including, where appropriate, the price paid for any holidayPlease note that it is your responsibility to show that we or our supplier(s) have been extensions or additional service purchased from us and included in your package). negligent if you wish to make a claim against us.Please note the above options are not available where any change made is an(2) We will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss (including loss of insignificant one. possessions and loss of enjoyment), damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any description whatsoever which results from any of the following:You must notify us of your choice within 7 days of our offer. If we do not hear from you within 7 days, we will contact you again to request notification of your choice. If you fail to respond again, we will assume that you have chosen to accept the change ora. the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the person(s) affected or any member(s) of their partyalternative booking arrangements. b. the act(s) and/or omission(s) of a third party not connected with the provision of your holiday and which were unavoidable and extraordinary; orIn addition to a full refund of all monies paid by you, we will pay you compensation in thec. Events Beyond Our Control as defined in clause 10 above.following circumstances:(3) Please note we cannot accept responsibility for any services which do not form part a. if, where we make a significant change, you do not accept the changed arrangementsof our contract. This includes, for example, any additional services or facilities which your and cancel your booking; hotel or any other supplier agrees to provide for you where the services or facilities are b. if we cancel your booking and no alternative arrangements are available.not advertised in our brochure or on our website and we have not agreed to arrange them as part of our contract and any excursion you purchase during your holiday. Please We will not pay you compensation in the following circumstances: also see clause 19 Excursions, Activities and Brochure/Website Information.a. where we make an insignificant change;b. where we make a significant change or cancel your arrangements (including(4)We limit the amount of compensation we may have to pay you if we are found liable cancellation due to not reaching the minimum number of client bookings required to rununder this clause as follows:your holiday) more than 60 days before departure (90 days for European River Cruise and private train holidays). (a) Loss of and/or damage to any luggage or personal possessions and money:c. where we make a significant change and you accept those changed arrangements orThe maximum amount we will have to pay you in respect of these claims will be the you accept an offer of alternative travel arrangements greater of:d. where we have to cancel your arrangements as a result of your failure to make full(i) an amount equivalent to the excess on your insurance policy which applies to this type payment on time; of loss per person in total because you are required to have adequate insurance in place e. where the change or cancellation by us arises out of alterations to the confirmedto cover any losses of this kind; or booking requested by you; (ii) the amount payable by the supplier under their own terms and conditions.f. where we are forced to cancel or change your arrangements due to Events Beyond Our(b) Claims not falling under (a) above and which dont involve injury, illness or death: The Control (see clause 10). maximum amount we will have to pay you in respect of these claims is up to three times In any of the circumstances referred to above we will not be liable for the cost of anythe price paid by or on behalf of the person(s) affected in total. This maximum amount service (such as, but not limited to, flights, hotels and connecting rail travel) which iswill only be payable where everything has gone wrong and you or your party has not purchased in connection with any holiday but which is not booked through us, or for anyreceived any benefit at all from your booking.related expenses such as cancellation charges or amendment fees for any service which(c) Claims in respect of international travel by air and rail, or any stay in a hotel:cannot be used or has to be cancelled or amended as a result of our having to cancel or(i) The extent of our liability will in all cases be limited as if we were carriers under the make a significant change to any holiday. appropriate Conventions, which include The Warsaw/Montreal Convention (international travel by air); The Berne/Cotif Convention (with respect to rail travel) and The Paris If we become unable to provide a significant proportion of the arrangements thatConvention (with respect to hotel arrangements). You can ask for copies of these you have booked with us after you have departed we will, if possible, make suitableConventions from our offices. In addition, you agree that the operating carrier or alternative arrangements for you at no extra charge and where those alternativetransport companys own Conditions of Carriage will apply to you on that journey. When arrangements are of a lower standard, provide you with an appropriate price reduction arranging transportation for you, we rely on the terms and conditions contained within these international conventions and those Conditions of Carriage. You acknowledge that 10. Events Beyond Our Control all of the terms and conditions contained in those Conditions of Carriage form part of Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions we will not be liableyour contract with us, as well as with the transport company and that those Conditions or pay you compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by Eventsof Carriage shall be deemed to be included by reference into this contract.Beyond Our Control. For the purposes of these booking conditions, Events Beyond(ii) In any circumstances in which a carrier is liable to you by virtue of the Denied Our Control means any event beyond our or our suppliers control, the consequencesBoarding Regulation 2004, any liability we may have to you under our contract with you, of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had beenarising out of the same facts, is limited to the remedies provided under the Regulation as taken. Examples include, warfare and acts of terrorism (and threat thereof), civil strife,if (for this purpose only) we were a carrier.significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel(iii) When making any payment, we are entitled to deduct any money which you have destination, epidemics, plagues or pandemics (including but not limited to the ongoingreceived or are entitled to receive from the transport provider or hotelier for the effects of Covid-19 and/or any other strain of the coronavirus) or natural disasters suchcomplaint or claim in question.as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely(d) Claims in respect of international travel by sea or inland waterwayto the travel destination or remain at the travel destination, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities (including anyTravel by sea is governed by the provisions of the Convention Relating to the Carriage of impact to travel or other arrangements as a result of the United Kingdom having leftPassengers and their Luggage by Sea 1974 as amended in 1976 (the Athens Convention) the European Union), industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire,and, where applicable, EU Regulation 392/2009 relating to the Liability of carriers of chemical or biological disaster, unavoidable technical problems with transport and allpassengers by sea in the event of accidents. The extent of our liability will in all cases be similar events outside our or our supplier(s) control. limited as if we were the Contracting Carriers under the Athens Convention and/or EU Regulation 392/2009.11. UK Government Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Advice The Athens Convention and EU Regulation 392/2009 limit the carriers liability for You are responsible for making yourself aware of UK Government Foreign,death or personal injury or loss or damage to luggage and makes special provision for Commonwealth & Development Office advice and warnings in regard to the safetyvaluables. It is presumed that luggage has been delivered to you undamaged unless of the countries and areas in which you will be travelling to and to make your ownwritten notice is given to us and/or the carrier;decisions accordingly. Global and political situations do change. Your safety is our firsta. in the case of apparent damage, before or at the time of disembarkation or redelivery; consideration and if the UK Government Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Officeoradvises against travel to a certain country, we will act on this advice. b. in the case of damage which is not apparent or of loss, within 15 days from the date of disembarkation or redelivery or from the time when such redelivery should If such advice is to avoid or to leave a particular country or area this may constitute Forcehave taken place. Damages for cabin luggage payable by the carrier are limited up to Majeure (as described in clause 10). The UK Government Foreign, Commonwealth &the Athens Convention limit of 833 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) or 2250 SDRs if EU Development Office issues regular advice and updates on their website at www.gov.uk/ Regulation 392/2009 applies. Any liability in respect of death and personal injury and foreign-travel-advice which you are recommended to consult before booking and againloss of and damage to luggage which we may incur to you shall always be subject to in good time prior to departure. the limits of liability contained in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 for death/personal injury of 46,666 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) or 300,000 SDR under 12. Our Liability to You Athens Convention or 400,000 SDRs under EU Regulation 392/2009 except in the case (1) We will accept responsibility for the arrangements we agree to provide or arrangeof liability for war or terrorism 250,000 SDRs. We are not liable for valuables, monies 68 BOOKING CONDITIONS'