b'to the enjoyment of your holiday, write to us immediately and we will tell you the latestWe cannot make specific requests for smoking seats. Prices quoted in this brochure and known situation. on our website are based on special fares negotiated with our rail partners for group travel. Should you wish to travel on any Eurostar or other rail service, other than those If we become aware of any material alterations to destination/area information and/ included as part of your holiday, a rail variation charge of 55 per person per service or such outside activities or excursions which can be reasonably expected to affectplus any additional cost will apply. Any change involving sleeper services will be quoted your decision to book a holiday with us, we will pass on this information at the time ofon an individual basis.booking.Tickets for Eurostar train services are issued subject to the conditions set out in Eurostar 20. Flights International Limiteds conditions of carriage and/or the conditions of carriage of the Please note the existence of a UK Air Safety List (available for inspection at https://www. carrier in question, copies of which are available from travel agents appointed by caa.co.uk/Commercial-industry/Airlines/Licensing/Requirements-and-guidance/Third- Eurostar International Limited or supplied on request.Country-Operator-Certificates/) detailing air carriers that are subject to an operating ban within the UK.22. Your Financial ProtectionWe will advise you of the carrier(s) or, if the carrier(s) is not known, the likely carrier(s)The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 (as amended) that will operate your flight(s) at the time of booking. Where we are only able to informrequire us to provide security for the monies that you pay for the package holidays you of the likely carrier(s) at the time of booking, we will inform you of the identity ofbooked from this brochure or our website and for your repatriation in the event the actual carrier(s) as soon as we become aware of this. Any change to the operatingof our insolvency. We provide this security by way of an ATOL (ATOL number 3278) carrier(s) and/or flight routings (including indirect routings) after your booking has beenadministered by the Civil Aviation Authority of CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway, London confirmed will be notified to you as soon as possible. We are not always in a position atWC2B 6TE for packages which include a flight and a bond held by ABTOT (ABTOT the time of booking to confirm flight routings and/or flight timings. Where flight routingsnumber 5386) for packages that do not include a flight. You can contact ABTOT atand/or flight timings are given at the time of booking or detailed on your confirmationwww.abtot.com or ABTOT Limited, 117 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7BT.letter/invoice these are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation. The latest timings will be shown on your itinerary which will be dispatched to youWhen you buy an ATOL protected flight or flight inclusive holiday from us, you will approximately 10 days prior to departure. You must accordingly check your ticketsreceive an ATOL Certificate*. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get very carefully immediately on receipt to ensure you have the correct flight times. It isinformation on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. We, or possible that flight times may be changed even after tickets have been dispatched. the suppliers identified on your ATOL Certificate, will provide you with the services listed We will contact you as soon as possible if this occurs. Any change in the identityon the ATOL Certificate (or a suitable alternative). In some cases, where neither we nor of the carrier(s), flight timings, routings (including a change from direct to indirectthe supplier are able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder may routings) and/or aircraft type (if given) will not entitle you to cancel or change to otherprovide you with the services you have bought or a suitable alternative (at no extra cost arrangements without paying our normal charges except where specified in theseto you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative ATOL holder will conditions. Regardless of any information given in good faith, operational changesperform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by may be made by an airline at any point and we cannot be responsible for these. If theyou under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder.carrier(s) with whom you have a confirmed reservation becomes subject to an operating ban as above as a result of which we/the carrier(s) are unable to offer you a suitableHowever, you also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative the provisions of clause 9 (Changes and Cancellations by Us) will apply.alternative ATOL holder, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the Prices quoted in this brochure and/or on our website are based on special airfaresATOL scheme (or your credit card issuer where applicable). If we, or the suppliers offered to us by the airlines for group travel. These represent a reduction on the normalidentified on your ATOL certificate, are unable to provide the services listed (or a IATA fares which entitle passengers to privileges and flexibility that our clients do notsuitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) for reasons of normally require as part of the holiday. Should you wish to book your holiday using ainsolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make a payment to (or confer a flight other than that shown in the brochure/on our website, a flight variation chargebenefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or from 50 per person will apply in addition to the difference in cost between our specialbenefit, you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have fare and the normal IATA fare for the flight(s) required. Tickets at our special fare arearising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against valid only on the airline and dates shown and do not automatically entitle passengersus, the travel agent or your credit card issuer where applicable. You also agree that to switch to another carrier in case of a flight cancellation, delay or technical problemsany such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums with the aircraft or the reservation. Please note that most airlines now operate 100%you have claimed under the ATOL scheme. *The flights and flight inclusive holidays we non- smoking services. arrange are ATOL protected providing they are madeavailable in the UK. For further information visit the ATOL website at21. Denied Boarding Regulations www.atol.org.uk.If you or any member of your party misses your flight or other transport arrangement, it is cancelled or you are subject to a delay of over 3 hours for any reason, you mustIf your holiday does not include flights, ABTOT will financially protect your holiday by contact us and the airline or other transport supplier concerned immediately. If yourensuring you receive a refund or, if your arrangements include return travel to the UK flight is cancelled or delayed, your flight ticket is downgraded or boarding is denied by(other than flights), you are returned to the UK in the event that your holiday cannot be your airline, depending on the circumstances, the airline may be required to pay youprovided as a result of our insolvency. Please go to our website www.greatrail.com for compensation, refund the cost of your flight and/or provide you with accommodationfurther information relating to ABTOTs scheme of financial protection.and/ or refreshments under the Denied Boarding Regulations 2004. Where applicable, you must pursue the airline for the compensation or other payment due to you. AllIf you book arrangements other than an ATOL protected flight or package holiday from sums you receive or are entitled to receive from the airline concerned by virtue ofus, your monies will not be financially protected. Please ask us for further details.these Regulations represent the full amount of your entitlement to compensation24. Prompt Assistanceor any other payment arising from such cancellation, delay, downgrading or deniedIf, whilst you are on holiday, you find yourself in difficulty for any reason, we will offer boarding. This includes any disappointment, distress, inconvenience or effect onyou such prompt assistance as is appropriate in the circumstances. In particular we any other arrangements. The fact a delay may entitle you to cancel your flight doeswill provide you with appropriate information on health services, local authorities and not automatically entitle you to cancel any other arrangements even where thoseconsular assistance, and assistance with long distance communications and finding arrangements have been made in conjunction with your flight. We have no liabilityalternative travel or accommodation arrangements. Where you require assistance to make any payment to you in relation to the Denied Boarding Regulations as yourwhich is not owing to any failure by us, our employees or sub-contractors, we will not entitlement to any compensation or other payment (as dealt with above) is coveredbe liable for the costs of any alternative travel or accommodation arrangements or by the airlines obligations under the Denied Boarding Regulations. If, for any reason,other such assistance you require. Any supplier, airline or other transport supplier may we make any payment to you or a third party which the airline is responsible for inhowever pay for or provide refreshments and/or appropriate accommodation and accordance with the Denied Boarding Regulations, you must, when requested, assignyou should make a claim directly to them. Subject to the other terms of these Booking to us the rights you have or had to claim the payment in question from the airline. IfConditions, we will not be liable for any costs, fees or charges you incur in the above the airline does not comply with these rules you should complain to the Civil Aviationcircumstances, if you fail to obtain our prior authorisation before making your own Authority at www.caa.co.uk/passengers. Please note, your rights under clause 9travel arrangements. Furthermore, we reserve the right to charge you a fee for our (Changes and Cancellations by Us) and clause 12 (Our Liability to You) of theseassistance in the event that the difficulty is caused intentionally by you or a member of booking conditions are not affected by the above Denied Boarding Regulations exceptyour party, or otherwise through your or your partys negligence.that we are entitled to argue that the amount you receive or are entitled to receive from the airline is sufficient to meet any compensation obligation we may have to you as25. Data Protectionyour tour operator as a result of any such cancellation, delay, downgrading or deniedGreat Rail Journeys Limited is a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection boarding. Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation. Please be assured that we have measures in place to protect the personal information you give us. This 22. Rail Journeys and Reservations information will be passed on to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements. It We request rail reservations many months in advance but occasionally there aremay also be provided, either by us or by the suppliers of your travel arrangements, to insufficient First Class seats available. In these situations we will book Standard Classthird parties and public authorities such as banks and credit card companies, customs seats and refund the difference to you. Although we do our best to follow the routesor immigration if required by them, or as required by law. Certain information may noted on the itinerary there might be occasions when a different routing and/oralso be passed on to security or credit checking companies or insurance providers. The departure time is necessary due to timetable variations or seat availability. above applies to any sensitive information that you give to us such as details of any disabilities, medical conditions, or dietary/religious requirements but we will obviously Regardless of any information given by us in good faith, operational changes may beonly pass these on where you provide your explicit consent for us to do so. If we cannot made by a rail supplier/operator at any point and without notice, and we cannot bepass on this information as set out above, we may be unable to provide your booking responsible for these. Increasingly, trains are 100% non-smoking, and reservations areor other services you have requested (for example, travel insurance). In making your requested in non-smoking accommodation, although at busy times we may be allocatedbooking, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant persons who some smoking seats. may be outside the UK. If you travel outside the UK, controls on data protection may not be as strong as the legal requirements in the UK.70 BOOKING CONDITIONS'